I saw this one over at
Deb's and had to play along.
Name: Sara
Birth date: June 30
Birthplace: Irving Tx
Current Location: Fort Worth Tx
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5′3
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Cancer - the crab -somewhat fitting I know
Your heritage: Mostly German, with Scottish-Irish in there too.
The shoes you wore today: No shoes, haven't been out of the house today
Your weakness: Bacon, like, lots of it
Your fears: Something happening to my kids
Your perfect pizza: Thick crusty crust, with bacon pieces, tomatoes, and pineapple
Goal you’d like to achieve: Getting back to my wedding day weight of 150
Your most overused phrase on AIM: I don't IM, but I overuse the word "so" on here
Your first waking thoughts:
Please, go back to sleep Olivia/Abigail
Your best physical feature: My legs
What you miss the most: sleep; precious 8 uninterrupted hours of it
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald’s or Burger King: Mc.Donalds - except I like BK's Icees
Single or group dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither, I am not a big tea drinker, almost a crime in these parts :-)
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
Smoke: Never, ever
Cuss: Just the little words, hardly ever the seriously bad ones. Gawd, I sound 10 years old
Sing: Yes, I love to sing. I need to do it more
Take a shower everyday: Right now?? No, I can barely get my clothes on in the morning, much less shower. If I am lucky, I get one every other day.
Do you think you’ve been in love: Yes, 3 times for real
Want to go to college: I already did and don't want to think about it
Liked high school: Yes, it was fun
Want to get married: Already done it...twice
Believe in yourself: Yes
Get motion sickness: No
Think you’re attractive: Right now?? Ummm...no, but I know that it is only temporary
Think you’re a health freak: No, but really want to be
Get along with your parent(s): Yes, they are the best!!
Like thunderstorms: When I am home, yes
Play an instrument: Yes, the French Horn in High School
LAYER SIX: In the past month…
Drank Alcohol: Yes, 1 drink after not drinking anything for about a year.
Smoked: No
Done a drug: No
Made out: Yes, but not as much as I would have liked
Gone on a date: Yes, a quick bite to eat while Grana babysat
Gone to the mall: No...sigh
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No
Eaten sushi: No, yuck
Been on stage: No
Been dumped: No
Gone skating: No
Made homemade cookies: No
Gone skinny dipping: No
Dyed your hair: No
Stolen anything: No
Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes
If so, was it mixed company: No
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No
Been caught “doing something”: Yes
Been called a tease: Yes, in high school...whatever
Gotten beaten up: No
Shoplifted: Yes a gumball when I was like 5 years old. I couldn't even eat the damn thing I felt so guilty.
Changed who you were to fit in: I am sure I did at some point along the way
Age you hope to be married: Don't know how to answer this one
Numbers and Names of Children: 1 boy – Z and 2 girls - Olivia and Abigail
Describe your Dream Wedding: It happened a year and a half ago on September 23rd. I would have only changed one thing. My hairdresser would not have forgotten her %$#@$% curling iron!! Don't get me started...
How do you want to die: Very quickly
Where you want to go to college: Already done, but if I could do it again…TCU
What do you want to be when you grow up: A Professional Shopper...hey, I can dream, right??
What country would you most like to visit: Italy, especially Venice - since it is rapidly sinking into the ocean
Number of people I could trust with my life: What does this mean anyway?? Who can I trust never to kill me? Who will never betray me? I am not answering this
Number of CDs that I own: A.Lot. between Gary and I, hundreds
Number of piercing: 2 in each ear
Number of tattoos: 1 and thinking about another
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: At least 20 with high school stuff and weddings and births
Number of scars on my body: 2 c-sections
Number of things in my past that I regret: 1 - really big one
YOUR TURN! If you decide to play…let me know cause I wanna read your 9 layers!