I have been thinking a lot about this blog. Truthfully, I started it because it was the thing to do among my on-line friends, especially my multiple moms. Then, it became my sounding board, my creative outlet, and my therapy. It didn't hurt that I was recording details of my life that would never be remembered otherwise. But sometime this year, I lost my way. It stopped being fun and started becoming one more thing that needed my attention. One more responsibility. One more on top of the meeellion I already felt. It became a chore (gasp!) I know!
And let me just say - I detest the new way to upload photos. DE-test it! One night I decided to get all caught up by uploading pictures into posts to place later. What I didn't realize is that it doesn't hold those photos unless you actually put them into your post. Curses!
Then, THEN, I had the brilliant idea to tag each picture I wanted to put in a post as I pulled them from my camera. Brilliant, right? Yeah, until I realized that I couldn't choose a certain tag when uploading photos. Curses, again! Hours of work, wasted and who has hours in the first place, right?
But I digress...and continue to think about where I want this blog to go, pretty much on a daily basis. It used to be high on the priority list. It was one thing I had for me, by me. Priorities are shifting. In a perfect world, I could update everyday with a hilarious story of what goes on here and cute pictures. I just haven't found the umph I need. Meanwhile, birthdays, holidays, milestones, moments have passed without a single notation of them.
I hope I can find it, because just doing this has made me realize how much a have missed it. Who knows, maybe this will be my kick in the pants to get started again.
I say, it's your blog...use it as you need it.
I started my blog as a way to remember b/c I knew that I was going to forget so much...now I know that was a good idea!
I haven't had any problems with the pictures on blogger.
I too found the new picture upload to be a problem so I reverted back to the old editor under settings. It looks a little different but you can upload several pictures and and post all at once.
I love reading your blog but understand the million ways you can be pulled as a SAHM. Good luck!
I just starting using Picasa because I can upload 4 photos with one click. :)
I hear you on this. I have been struggling lately with blogging and just "online life" in general.
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