~I lost 2 more pounds! I only have 8 more to go for my short term goal. I know I can do it by Zachary's birthday at the end of April. I will propably just start updating my weight on the sidebar from now on. So look for it to come up in the next few days.
~I am a rebal of sorts. I have always had a problem with people telling me what to do. Not true authority figures like my parents, my boss, or a leader in some way, but those that THINK they can tell me what to do; co-workers, friends, strangers. And for no other reason than to hear themselves be bossy. This urge rises up in me to do the exact opposite. It seems as I also feel like this about myself as well. Yeah, I know, stupid, huh? Even though Menu Planning has helped in some ways, I tend to want to rebel against the plan. We are having spaghetti tonight?? Ummm...nope, I think chicken is better or worse, nothing. Then we eat out. Ugh! I know it sounds crazy so I may be taking a break from posting my menu for a couple of weeks.
~I will pick back up on couponing, promise :-)
~I am starting to decorate the house again. I will try and post some pictures of the processes.
~My doctor and I discussed a plan for sleeping. She agreed that I did not need to stand there and let them cry. We will continue to rock them to sleep. (whew!) Since they are used to waking up in their beds this will not be an issue. Then she went on to say how needed to let them cry in the middle of the night, not going in at all to comfort them. ::sigh:: I do have to note here that I love her dearly but she does not have any kids of her own.
~I then went to my counselor who has known me from the time time my ex walked out. 6 years. She knows me...and agrees with me about the no crying thing. She has done research recently about childhood and even infancy trauma. Now here is where I will stop and say that if you did/do let your child cry it out, that's your decision. I am not saying it is wrong, just wrong for us. I am not here to judge what others feel is the best for their family. Since I already have such strong feelings about this, she said to trust myself as a mom. This is what is best for my family. One thing I do believe in is my instincts as a mom. I am reading "The No Cry Sleep Solution" book and it does say that it will take patience and time. We have to choose time or cry. We choose time.
~I have been thinking a lot about the time I devote to my computer. Not just my blog, but to message boards, blog reading and facebook. My house is suffering for it. So for the next few weeks, posts may be fewer, maybe not. I would love to be able to come on and do a few quick posts and get off. But then I tell myself I will go just check in on Facebook or my message boards. Then, an hour later I still haven't posted anything. It takes discipline, something I am lacking lately. I have made so many "friends" on-line that I can't keep up with them all! So just bear with me as I get a feel for a new balance.
YAHOO on the 2 pounds girlfriend! I do not like the CIO method either...do what feels right!
Yay on teh 2 pounds! That is great! I know how the computer takes a lot of time. Some weeks I am just to busy to post anything. You have to do what you have to do! We will miss you though if you leave us!
I also need your address to pay off the Pay it Forward post. Go to my blog for my email address...
We tried everything with our girls and I think time is the right answer. CIO didn't work for us - Gab never stopped, so we kept going in and soothing her, and it's finally getting better on its own. Trust your instinct is right. :-)
I do have to say, boy do I know what you mean about spending too much time on the computer. i have been cutting back a lot and I feel so guilty that I don't read as much as I used to....
Yay for the 2 lbs!! I understand about keeping up with blogs and web friends. It's hard to keep up with everyone I want to keep up on.
Also, I totally hear you on CIO. We've let our babies whine and fuss it out but there's such a difference in actual all out crying that I can't do it either. You'll get there.
Praying for you. Your heart will tell you what you need to do in this season.
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