I am hoping we get to go on lots of walks this week

or in Zachary's case...scootering

to feed the ducks

Hopefully naps will be better

Yes, that is Abby under there. This is how she fell asleep on her own one day.

Don't worry I moved all that right after I took the picture, but she was fine anyway...

Good naps = Bedhead + Dazed expression

I am hoping we get to go on lots of walks this week
or in Zachary's case...scootering
to feed the ducks
Hopefully naps will be better
Yes, that is Abby under there. This is how she fell asleep on her own one day.
Don't worry I moved all that right after I took the picture, but she was fine anyway...
Good naps = Bedhead + Dazed expression
P.S. Apples are our new favorite thing
How cute! Enjoy your boy!
They are so cute! Hannah has some serious bed head when she wakes up from her naps. Enjoy the last little bit of summer vacation with Z!
Enjoy your last week with him - wow 2nd grade!! Love the pillow over the head to sleep, I have one that does that also - has to have something on his head to sleep...funny! Nice to know that nap times are getting better in your house!! Your nieghborhood is beautiful and very green...jealous!
I seriously laughed out loud at the pics! LOVE the one asleep under a boppy!
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