So I got a desk for Zachary. This has been needed for awhile now. It was $14!! It is a computer desk. I am going to *try* to paint it (??) We'll see...
And here is a great big group of stuff
~Cash Register
~Little People's House
~Two Little People's Mini-vans complete with mama and babies - SO glad I got two
~1 huge bag of play food for $10, and I smaller bag for $2
~A vet set - which is really just a carrier with a ton of regular dr stuff in it, but it has some really good dr stuff, so it was worth it.
~2 pink stools for them to use to wash hands and other stuff.
~the Barney and the phone are repeats of favorite toys we have already
~a magic wand
~a vaccum to match the one left from Zachary's toddlerhood.
~a Strawberry Shortcake tent
~2 shelves that will go on our Kid's Wall in our stairway.
~a fabric box to use with our shelf system. We already have some others
Not pictured: a Dustbuster that really works. It is SO cool and Abby really uses it when I use mine. Olivia just likes to have it on as background noise. Also some toddler spoons and plate set, safety latches for the cabinets, and a safety thing that goes over a power strip.
Here is the tent put up
And some clothes as well that I didn't get a picture of. It is not nearly the pile I usually get. I got winter PJs for $1.50 each from Carter's, Children' Pllace, Gap, and Old Navy. I got several long sleeved outfits with pants or leggings. I got both of their Winter Coats for $8 each. Big heavy nice Winter coats, in their colors!! Yay! I got light fleece jackets, too for $4, two pairs of shoes for $4 and $5. And and and AND...I scored their Halloween costumes for $20 for the both of them. Tulip Fairies! Awwww!!

And I am such a freak about matching stuff that I was looking at both sizes and trying to match things up. Ugh! Needless to say, I didn't get many things that matched.
And I saved the best news for last. I made $900 from my stuff that I took to sell (!!!!). I know!! All of our big stuff sold, plus a lot of clothes and toys. The only big thing I brought home was the Double Snap and Go. I brought home about 1/3 of the clothes and other items. Shoes did not do well, but that is probably because there was literally piles and piles of each size of shoes with containers underneath as well. It was pretty overwhelming to shop with SO much stuff to sort through.
But that's wanna know why?? Well, sure you do! That is because I am a Super Savvy Consignor. This means that I take my leftovers to other sales around the Metroplex. There are 4 more within the next month. And what is the best part? I have the same consignor number for all the sales. This means there is no replacing tags for every sale. Ummm, yeah. How great is that??
I have been slowly catching up on blog reading. And I know that some of my readers used my blog roll to visit other sites. I will have that back up soon.