I love how I caught them doing the same thing here.
Tasty crumbs
Abby with 2 of her favs
Grana and strawberries
My sweet boy
Abby running after a ball
that they told us to put away
"because this is a garden not a park"
Can you tell I'm a little annoyed by the whole
"respect the garden by not playing in it" crap?
They had a nature walk where we pushed buttons for bird calls.
They also had these "telephones" you could talk to
each other from the next area.
Funny story break. We were standing at one of the phones and a girl up ahead was trying to figure out what was up with it. She leaned in and I said hi through my end. She jerked back and looked around and tentatively came back for another listen. I told her I liked her green shirt. She whipped around and headed straight for her mom, all the while looking around. Bwhahahahahah!! I crack up every time I think about it. It was truly hilarious. ::giggle:: I caught up to her to explain to her and her mom that she was not being stalked by some alien. ::snort::
Moving right along to the flower garden section of our Nature Walk.
Moving right along to the flower garden section of our Nature Walk.
There was a girl next to them getting her picture taken, too.
They could not keep their eyes off of her.
This is my nephew Cameron, oh so carefully helping Abby.
He is expecting a baby sister in May and
he will be a fabulous big brother!
Daddy's turn to help Olivia
Ah, my diva
Olivia checking out a fountain
This is a little blurry, but it's probably my favorite of the day.
Abby is doing her new stern face
and Zachary is loving it

1 comment:
Gurl. I'm blogging again. Come back to me??
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