Monday, August 24, 2009

Off to 2nd Grade

Mah Baybee!! He is getting so so big...very big. He was pretty "eh" about the whole going to school thing. I think this is the year kids just kinda settle into a routine. They realize that this is the pattern of life for awhile. His elementary school is 2 floors. Kinder, 1st, and 2nd is on the ground floor. 3rd, 4th, and 5th is on the 2nd floor. Weeell...they are at capacity this year so 2 2nd grade classes are upstairs with the big kids. Zachary is in one of those classrooms and he thinks he is SO grown up to be upstairs. Me?? I really wasn't ready for him to be upstairs yet, you know? It means he is getting older. ::sigh::

Traditional picture in front of the door.

Another one - lookin' cool

In his classroom already busy busy busy working

One more - handsome boy

Sniff sniff
But really there were no tears this year. There are never any tears from him...just me. Last year, I was all hormonal and stuff. I posted about his first day here, but all the pictures are all jacked up. I tried to fix them, but couldn't It is also the girls' 2 month old picture session. Ahh...those days...Thank God they are over ;-)


NikkiPM said...

He is soooo cute! They grow up soooo quick....Baillee's 1st day of 12th grade was today! Can you even believe it?!?! She turned 17 last week.

monica said...

They grow up so quickly!! He look cute going off to 2nd grade!

Wishing 4 One said...

He looks super cute! Hope you didn't cry too much! They grow so fast huh? Thanks for sharing his special day.