Look who's two months old!!

I have two regular babies, people! They slept in 3 hour stretches yesterday. The first 3 hours, I was saying to myself, "Well, they will wake up anytime now...(30 mins later) any minute they will wake up...(30 mins later) Well, if I lay down now they are sure to get up...(30 mins later)...Are they alive???" So needless to say, after they got up and ate and immediately went back down to nap, I did too. Ahhh...it was nice, but do I even feel like I got caught up? Hell no! I am still exhausted. I took pictures this morning and have spent today playing around with them and making a collage with black and whites of different parts of their bodies. I am pretty proud of myself, but I made them in shutterfly and can't figure out how to let you guys see them. Anybody can help with that??
They went to the dr for their 2 month checkup on Tuesday. And here are the stats:
Abigail - 10lbs 7oz in the 50th percentile
Olivia - 10lbs 2oz in the 35th percentile
They are both 21 and 3/4ths in long, which is in the 50th percentile for height. Yay!!
They both did great when they actually got their shots, only a little crying. Olivia had a small reaction to hers with a fever, rash, and just feeling miserable. She was just pitiful with her tiny little cries and whining. But she is all better now.
They are now wearing size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes and have been for a couple of weeks now, but I have forgotten to tell you.
They getting so big I just can't stand it!!

Abigail is still my sweet snuggler. She just roots around rubbing her little nose on my neck when she wakes up. She just forms herself perfectly to my body as she does it. I could just melt into her when she does this! She is getting up every 2 hours at night now and really giving Daddy a run for his money. She is back on Soy formula. We tried her on the

We have started putting them in the shower with me and they love it! I wear a tank top so they are not quite so slippery. I, of course, sing my heart out to them and they just watch me.
Can I say it? It might be getting better. Did anyone hear me? Good, maybe I didn't jinx myself. They are not as fussy in the evenings as they have been. I actually calmed Olivia down the other night...just by holding her!! I know! She may be a normal baby after all. Abigail stills need a bottle to calm down for the most part, but I know she is getting better too. So now I will shut up about it.
And guess who started school!!

Gaw, he looks so big. He loves his new class. He rides the bus home from school. He loves it and I do too. We are the first stop the bus makes. He gets dropped off right across the street and I can step outside and watch him and the neighbor girl walk home from the stop. The girls can stay asleep and I can remain sane. Thank you God!!
I have to share some of the picture I took of their little bodies today. I made them black and white, but you can get the idea. And can I just say that Abigail takes the best pictures. Olivia...they just don't do her justice. The pictures above and even most of them below just don't even remotely look like her and the beautifulness that she is.
I have to share some of the picture I took of their little bodies today. I made them black and white, but you can get the idea. And can I just say that Abigail takes the best pictures. Olivia...they just don't do her justice. The pictures above and even most of them below just don't even remotely look like her and the beautifulness that she is.
But look at this...

THAT'S my beautiful Olivia
I just wish I could capture it more often.

Her birthmark, little hand with her pinky sticking up, and her fat rolls
And then there's my pretty Abby

Her birthmark (a little strawberry), sweet hand, and her fat rolls
I will share the collage as soon as I figure it out :-)
Have a great weekend!!

THAT'S my beautiful Olivia
I just wish I could capture it more often.

Her birthmark, little hand with her pinky sticking up, and her fat rolls
And then there's my pretty Abby

Her birthmark (a little strawberry), sweet hand, and her fat rolls
I will share the collage as soon as I figure it out :-)
Have a great weekend!!
What beautiful baby girls!!!
Sara I have missed you....man the girls have gotten big and even more gorgeous! Your photos are more than amazing too. They will LOVE looking at themselves in those photos when they grow up. You seem to be such an awesome mommy! You are so lucky my friend.... xoxoxoxo
How beautiful! It IS getting better! YAY!!!!! They are SO cute with their bows in their hair!!!!!! I'm really glad to see a good update that they and you are doing well!
Cute pictures. I love those bows! I also love the fat rolls. There's just something about chubby little baby legs.
I'm glad it's getting better. Two months is when it started to get better for us. At least with the gas issues.
i love the little "bits" pictures. We have them and we call it our "baby bits"
Love, love, love the new photos, I am so glad they are starting to shape up for you. After LIly and I were there the other day I was thinking how on earth can I help out! You let me know how and I am there well me and Lily. Anytime!
xoxox Sarah
Oh Sara, look how beautiful your li'l girlies are...and they are ALL girl, aren't they?
And you son is SOOO handsome, and YES! WHEN did our kindergarteners become BIG kids?
Just sent ours off this morning...
so tall, so grown. Mama's so proud!
Love the photos!!! And the girls are getting so big!! LOL about it getting better, I did that two, was petrified of putting it out in the universe that they were STTN :)
SO cute!!! They are such beauties, and I love the photos you took! you are going to treasure those some day - and the little bum shot makes me smile. So glad to hear things are getting easier - you've got the hardest part behind you! It only gets better from here on out, and with those gorgeous kiddos of yours, what love and smiles you must have in your household.
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