We are cleaning out Zachary's room and minimizing toys and clothes that are too small. Lord, I am raising a boy that gets emotionally attached to things. Bad? Oh yes. After my divorce I would buy things for Zachary to try to make up for his lack of a full-time dad. But even after Gary came into our lives, I find it hard to say "No" to him. I have to say I am ashamed of the amount of stuff he has in his room. And if he actually played with it, it wouldn't be as bad, but he doesn't. He never has. He wants to talk and be around us. I know I dropped the ball in this area. He does not need these "things" but thinks he does, so it is hard for him to get rid of them. Something to work on, right??
Both girls have Strep Throat. This is the 3rd time I think we have had this stupid virus in their first year. The funny thing is neither girl is acting too much out of the norm. We only took them to the Dr. because Abby was rubbing her ears and being very whiny and clingy. Their ears are clear but they both had red throats. Back on antibiotics...back to going through wipes and diapers like crazy for a few weeks.
Ok, how about some cute stories:
Olivia LOVES to play Peek-a-Boo. I came into the room the other night and couldn't see her. I asked Gary, "Where is Olivia?" When I found her behind the chair she had her hands over her eyes ready to play. She claps and claps and still dances all the time. She has started tipping her heads sideways and just grinning at us. She tipped so far one day she fell over :-). She is such a content child these days. Gone is the cranky baby she was. Thank you Lord!! She will play on her own for quite some time before she comes looking for us. She has started walking officially. She walked all the way across the room to my mom the other day, but she still prefers crawling.
Abby has turned into a lap baby. I am anxious to see if she goes back to her happy self after this round of antibiotics. She does this little sad whimper when she wants us. She is also asking, "Whaz at?" about everything. When she first started it was about every little thing, just swinging her arm around. And I do mean every.thing. She will wake up in the middle of the night and point and ask, "Whaazaaat??" Oh Lord. Now she actually points at specific things and asks but it is still a whole lot. It is so cute, but wow! It kinda gets old, too. I actually got a little pony tail in her hair the other day. Aww!!!
Getting stuck under furniture :-)
I swear I had this written yesterday. Even Gary asked about it, but I only got to the pictures this morning. Have a great weekend!

Playing peek a boo is so much FUN! My boys still love it to this day. I can always get a smile out of them if we are having a small meltdown by playing peeka boo! Very cool. Love the pony tail in Abby's hair, so cute! Sorry they are not feeling well - I hope they feel better soon.
Yay for walking for the 1st birthday!! Have fun getting your house ready for the party. Parties are such a lot of work!
OMG, I can't believe that they will celebrate their first birthday soon. They are so big, God bless them.
Enjoy every steps for the birthday party. I wish I live near you so I could help with the organization (I love parties).
Have a great week.
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