AND I have to say a huge jumping up and down congrats to my special friend Kathy. She just found out she is expecting again. If you remember she and I "met" on The Nest when we both went through IVF at the same time and ended up with the same due dates. We dubbed ourselves Due Date Twins. Her little Doodles, Noah and Talia, came when they were 23 weeks and died the same day. It was a truly horrible time for her. I cried and grieved her twins along with her and a wealth of other online supporters. As hard as it probably was on her, she continued to support me and offer congrats on the girls. She is an amazing women and I am proud to call her friend. I am tearing up just writing this because as joyous as it is, she is a nervous wreck and probaby will be until she is holding her little one safely in her arms at 40 weeks. So I ask my readers to remember her in your thoughts and prayers for a peaceful, uneventful pregnancy.
Ok now for the Friday update
First this is how Olivia looked when I was out of sight from her this week. (I had to be sneaky to get a picture of her without her seeing me.)

And then this what would happen the very instant her little eyes would see me...

The biggest smile I have ever seen her smile.
She has been Miss Cranky Pants the last few days so I am sure her teeth are bothering her as well. Ahhh...teething with 2 is the best.

I had to put two on here to get them both smiling
And here they are in cute little putfits with jeans on.

We went to our friend's girl's birthday parties this past weekend.
Remember Mackenzie from a few weeks ago?
It was both her and her sister's birthdays this past weekend so we went to celebrate with them.

And finally here is a pic of them in the Bumbos "talking" to each other.

Here they are in their little My First Halloween Outfits

I had to put two on here to get them both smiling
And here they are in cute little putfits with jeans on.

We went to our friend's girl's birthday parties this past weekend.
Remember Mackenzie from a few weeks ago?
It was both her and her sister's birthdays this past weekend so we went to celebrate with them.
See her doll? That is "Applgail" or as we found out Abigail. Isn't she the cutest little thing to have named her baby after mine? She even laid in the floor next to her mom. She covered herself witha blanket and started whimpering and told her "I'm Applgail"

And finally here is a pic of them in the Bumbos "talking" to each other.

Coming soon is the videos I spoke of last week and Halloween pictures