Saturday, December 6, 2008

Computer Problems

My lovely computer knows that I got a laptop (!) and is rebelling against me. It has a stupid virus and cannot connect to the internet. I am on Gary's Mac which I despise!! Sorry all you mac lovers but...I am a PC. Hopefully I can get it taken care of soon so I will be back up and running. Meanwhile, you are stuck with the background and template. Thoughts?? I like the blue, but not the other. What do you think? Also, I have to add my followers again because it got deleted. If you follow, please follow again :-)


Harris Boys said...

I actually like the new look...cute colors. I'm also a PC girl. hope you get the problems fixed soon :)

Gary said...

How ungrateful to insult the only computer in the house that is immune to most viruses, unlike a PC.

Sara said...

Ummm...blah, blah, blah...I love you honey, but can't stand your other love...accept it. It is not going to change anytime soon :-)

The Wilsons said...

The girls are getting so big. I had to go back a ways to catch up. They are the bath pictures!! I'm a PC girl too!!

Anonymous said...

I don't like this template.....I liked the other one from a day or 2 ago....had pink in it?

Debz said...

I'm gonna completely stay out of the blog design chatter. I have no clue what to do there. Martha Stewart I'm not.

ARGH! Did Gary just call you ungrateful? The nerve (lol).

Anonymous said...

I'm with Gary. Why hate the only computer in the house that shows you some love?

Amber said...

The girls have gotten so big!! So glad to hear that your fog has finally does and it's so nice to feel like a human being again!

Stacy Uncorked said...

I'm a PC girl too! Sure, we PC People seem to have more computer issues than MAC people, but I couldn't bring myself to buy a MAC when I bought a new laptop last year...mostly because I'm a cheapskate and have a ton of Software I need that is only for PC's... ;)