Monday, June 30, 2008

Back in the Hospital

This is from hubby Gary.
Sara went back in the hospital on Sunday. She woke up Sunday morning with shortness of breath. They said she has congestive heart failure. She is doing well and expected to come home tomorrow. She will update with more details then. Prayers would be appreciated.


Debz said...

Gary, tell Sara I am thinking about her every minute - give her my love.

Unknown said...

Sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear you had to go back to the hospital. I hope you're okay. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts. I had to go back to the hospital the day after I was because of a hemorrage. It was very scary and tough being away from my girls. I hope you get to come go home soon. Take care, Lisa

Souza Sisters said...

I hope you are feeling better soon!! You are in my thoughts...

Liz said...

I hope you are feeling better in no time. Prayers for a full recovery. Your girls are just precious. Seriously, enjoy every moment!