Z LOVES to swim! He always has. Even when he was a baby. He had no patience for floaties. He tolerated arm floaties, but just barely. He is in the process of taking swim lessons and he is in level 3 with kids that are 2 years older than him. And he is doing great! He is super tall for his age and they all stand a head above him at least. He is learning to dive this week and he had one with perfect form. Yea!! Can you see a Gold Medal in the future??? I have not gotten to watch him swim at all this summer since I have been on bedrest and having the girls.
When I went to his lessons the other night I was super surprised to see how far he has come. He can swim the length of the pool!! And imagine my shock as his instructor pushed him in as a joke while he was diving (Umm...that's my baby), but he came up laughing and just swam back to the edge like nothing. When he dives, unlike all the other kids, he goes way out and surfaces half way out into the pool. He calls it his torpedo move :-)
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