Ok, now for what you have all been waiting for.

She is our laid back one. She can be put down and sleep for hours. She has not taken to breast feeding because she just can't be bothered with trying that hard for her food. When she is awake , she is AWAKE with her eyes wide open. She is not very demanding unless she is gassy or hungry. She does NOT like having her diaper or her clothes changed. She grunts when she has gas and by the smell you know she just dropped a load (seriously, she has like, grown man fart smells) but when you go check her diaper, nothing.

Our little diva. She loves to be held. She does not like to be put down to sleep. She does do better if her sister is there with her. She has this tiny little head and seems so very delicate. She hates to be changed also, but she breast feeds like a champ. She falls asleep easily but doesn't stay that way for long.
Some more of our favs.

Oh my gosh the pictures are just too cute! Especially the ones of your son and his little sisters. I hope you're feeling better and able to get some sleeping between all the feeding and diaper changing;)
love the twin onesies...isnt' it amazing how much different they can be even though they are twins. still to this day I have one that is more demanding than the other. love all the pics..they are PRECIOUS sara!
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