I don't have a lot of new things to say this week about the girls. I didn't really have time to take a lot of pictures either, so it will be short and sweet.
First, I have to point out their clothes
For the most part, when I go to dress them I reach for purple for Olivia and pink for Abigail. Very early on I realized that Olivia looks better is dark, deep colors; purple, hot pink, teal, blue, and green. Abigail looks better in pastels; pink, yellows, baby greens, baby blues. So for this reason I call them my Purple Princess and my Pink Princess. This is coming from a childhood memory of about 2nd grade when all things must be pink and purple. I tease Gary if he puts one of the them in the others colors. I say but purple (or pink) is their "signature color" You Steal Magnolias fans will remember when Julia Roberts told her mom that pink was her signature color. I am sure to say it with a southern drawl too. There have been times when I have actually changed one because I couldn't stand it! There have also been times when I am too tired to climb the stairs to get their color, but when I shop now, it is mostly for these two colors. So I was super excited to find these at the JBF sale last night.

Matching but not perfectly, you know?
Ok on to the magic staircase and the magic table. One of the things we have found sooths them is to go up or down the stairs. It is like they have to stop crying to see where we are going. And the magic table.

That is, their changing table. As soon we lay them down on it, they immediatly shut up. And start cooing. You say "Aww, how cute. They coo at you" Ummm...no. They coo at...the blinds...they just flirt and smile and talk up a storm to those blinds. Z said one time, Oooo, do you looove those blinds? Are you going to maaarry them? Ha! First graders... So we call this the magic table. We even say, go lay her down on the magic table. We are thinking of just leting them sleep up there. No, not really, but it's tempting.

I went to get a bottle and Olivia was in the bouncer and Abigail was in the crib. I came back to him talking to Abby and bouncy Livy with his foot. I had to capture it! Check out his face. He is loving every minute of it, even though he is hamming it up for the camera.
She has decided not to sleep at night. Poor daddy. He gets her at night. I get Olivia who sleeps for 5 hours straight. He gets the little grunter who sleeps for maybe 2 hours, then she turns into the swamp monster; snorting, grunting, snuffling, moaning, groaning, sniffing, coughing, hacking, crying every hour. I am not sure what her deal is all of a sudden, but she needs to ship shape it up. She drinks her 4 bottles a night. Olivia is only drinking maybe two a night.

Oh, and great news!! Remember our blog to get Oprah's attention? Well, we got a call from her people!!! How cool is that?? Nothing may come of it but we are sure excited about the possible next step.
AND...I have finished making my private blog pretty. I sent out invits to those who wanted them, so if you have not gotten it, let me know so I can send it again. Ahem...Deb...did you get it?
Here is what being a big brother to twins is really like.

I went to get a bottle and Olivia was in the bouncer and Abigail was in the crib. I came back to him talking to Abby and bouncy Livy with his foot. I had to capture it! Check out his face. He is loving every minute of it, even though he is hamming it up for the camera.
Ok, now for miss Abigail.
She has decided not to sleep at night. Poor daddy. He gets her at night. I get Olivia who sleeps for 5 hours straight. He gets the little grunter who sleeps for maybe 2 hours, then she turns into the swamp monster; snorting, grunting, snuffling, moaning, groaning, sniffing, coughing, hacking, crying every hour. I am not sure what her deal is all of a sudden, but she needs to ship shape it up. She drinks her 4 bottles a night. Olivia is only drinking maybe two a night.
And check this out

Look at those loonngg eyelashes! They grew overnight! All of a sudden she has these beautiful eyelashes! So thats what you were crying about. You ok now that you have those? And pardon the up the nose shot, but I did manage to get the eyelashes. And you can see her little tiny strawberry birthmark above her lip, too.
Here is Oliva's new friend
the fish

the fish

She loves to coo at the little yellow fish hanging from her floor gym. She kicks and waves at him. So cute!! She wakes up every day with a huge smile on her face. After about thirty minutes of actually trying to wake up, she opens her eyes and just grins at me. She is a much happier baby these days. Who knows why, I don't really care. I will look down in the middle of the night to find her smiling at me around her bottle. Another cute thing she does is when we unwrap her from her SwaddleMe in the morning, her arms go straight in the air and stay there until she is fully awake. It reminds me of that game where you press your hands in a doorframe trying to lift them. After a couple of minutes you step into the room and your arms go up by themselves. I will try to get a pic for next time.
Here she is hanging out with Daddy and brother has to get in there too :-)
Oh, and great news!! Remember our blog to get Oprah's attention? Well, we got a call from her people!!! How cool is that?? Nothing may come of it but we are sure excited about the possible next step.
AND...I have finished making my private blog pretty. I sent out invits to those who wanted them, so if you have not gotten it, let me know so I can send it again. Ahem...Deb...did you get it?
I didn't get my invite...
love this post...love that your son is such a huge help. what a litle doll.
I love how you dress them in the same colors...I do the same thing. Andrew is always in red and ethan usually blue or yellow...isn't that funny how we do crazy things like that....
Your son is so cute being a helper.
It's so funny, I just posted in my entry today about how we used to put Amelia on the changing table for a long time because she always stopped crying there. Go figure!!
How cute! Love the pics, and Z seems like such a great helper.
I'd love to read your other blog. My email is nbjenni@gmail.com
I got it!!!!! Tanx! (heehee)
As usual, awesome pics. It really is crazy how big they are getting (not that you would know anything about that lol)
Z looks like he is such a GREAT big brother and soooo much help to you. Good job Z!!
so are you telling me that every other time you type 'lol' you didn't actually laugh out loud?? cause that's just weird (lol)
see what i mean?
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