We tried them out in their new toys. You think they might still be a little small for them??
Abby in her Jumperoo
Look how tiny she is! She can't even reach her arms out of it.
Look how tiny she is! She can't even reach her arms out of it.

Look at the baffled look on her face.
"Ummm mom? What am I supposed to be doing here again??

And Olivia in the Johnny Jump-up
She didn't last very long in this at all!!

I have talked about them cooing, but Abigail has really started talking all of a sudden this week. Just kicking and waving her arms as she makes all these wonderful noises at me. She just talks and talks! She talks a whole lot more than Olivia does but she doesn't smile as much as Olivia does. Funny how different they are but going through the same stages.
It's fun to have two to compare side by side. Olivia smiled first, but Abiagil is talking first. Olivia can hold herself upright better, but she still has a startle reflex. Abigail will tolerate tummy time so much better than Oliva. Like I said, it's fun to see them both go through these stages but at different paces with their own personalities.
We have followed the dr's advice and are giving them each an oz of juice in the morning and at night. We call it shut up juice, because as soon as the juice hits their lips, they are instantly quiet. They just work their little tongues around it in their mouths trying to figure out what the heck it is. Olivia especially pushes her tongue way out. We give it to them in a dropper because I am terrified they will get used to it in a bottle and not want their milk. I know, I am probably just paranoid, but whatever.
The BIGGEST NEWS!! They smiled at each other this week!! I was so thrilled!! They just looked at each other and then both just broke out into smiles. Such Fun!!
Hmmm...let's see...what else is happening in our little world. I will be guest posting at Postcards from the Edge on Sunday. So drop by and
Personally, I have been struggling. I am not going to go on and on about my emotional state, but let's just say hormones are still evening out. Will they ever even out?? Ummm...maybe not . So I am looking into going back on my medication that I was on before I got pregnant. This is a huge failure in my eyes. I mean, I should be fine now right? I have a great husband, a great son, two beautiful girls that I can stay home with, a gorgeous house, wonderful friends and family...I have everything I could possible want? So why am I still fighting depression? It may be that it is a hormonal thing, but I don't think so. I think it is probably just me. Ugh! I know it is fine to take a pill if I need it to
What does make me smile??
Hey!!! Guess what??!! Those same pictures made me smile. :)
My boys are still too little for their jumperoo and exersaucer too. I keep hearing other moms say how their little ones love it...what's up with my 6 month olds??
Glad to hear the babies are doing better and better. Too cute in the jumperoo! Don't be so hard on yourself about depression. Your hormones are still settling down and taking care of infant twins is HARD and the sleep deprivation can really affect your mood. Better days are coming mama!
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